For detailed information please contact:
SVETA GORA FUNERAL HOME, Chicago, tel 773-588-2200.
mnogo nam nedostajes ti si mi drugi brat koga gubim na isti nacin ne znam kako danas da izdrzimo ovo sve . Pocivaj u miru andjele moj i pozdravi mi moga Slavisu vidimo se tamo negde ….volim te
nemam reci ali znas da znam kako je tvojima ti si mi drugi brat koga gubim nisi rodjeni ali isto toliko vazan hvala ti zasvu paznju koju si pruzao mojim ucveljenim roditeljima i meni a nazalos sada ti to vracam . Andjele necemo te zaboraviti voli te Marija i tvoj zet Vlade. Kao i onda predosetih zlo u snu mi se javi a nadah se da se nece ostvariti plasim se da zaspim a danas na javi kosmar sahranismo te pocivaj u miru
When Aleksandar came on his exchange program to the United States he stated, “the reason I have chosen to do my internship abroad is because I would like to broaden my horizons and discover foreign business culture. Of all foreign countries, USA is my first choice because of it’s great culture, working ethic and beautiful nature. Upon return to my country I am hoping to use my experience to help my future company reach their potential and since demand of qualified hospitality managers is consistent, I do believe that the completion of an internship program will put me at a competitive edge over other graduates. My objective is to enhance, refine my skills and to become a professional in the hospitality and tourism industry. I am sure, that this experience will prove an immense asset and help me to achieve my professional goals.” During the course of Aleksandar’s program he told us, his experience was an amazing one and that he was having a great time. He said meeting a lot of new people and making friends while here was valuable and important to him. He said he was able to understand how people live, and that people shared a lot about their communities, history and culture as a whole. We know that Aleksandar worked hard, was an achiever, and had positive goals he was aiming to realize. In collecting Aleksandar’s belonging we found his return ticket back to his homeland. His flight was scheduled for September 25, 2014. Rest in peace young man.