Bosiljka Kosanović Bosiljka Kosanović

Босиљка Косановић

(1928 +2021)

We are sad to share that our beloved Bosiljka (Bosa) Kosanovic (nee Tisma) left this world on July 5th, 2021 in her 94th year of life. Bosa was born in 1928 in Tremusnjak (former Yugoslavia, now Croatia) to Petar and Dragica. She was a loving mother to Desanka, Veljko, and Ranko. Bosa made a home for her family in Petrinja, Croatia until 1995 after which they found refuge in Sremska Mitrovica, Serbia. She lived in Roselle, IL with her daughter and son-in-law from 2001.

A woman of modest means and little formal education, Bosa was a fierce lover of life and people. A wizard in the kitchen, she was happiest preparing delicious meals for her beloved grandchildren and great-grandchildren. She was a proud woman who also kept animmaculate house and garden and took care of her appearance even in the most difficult of times.

Bosa’s long life was marked with tremendous losses: she lost her first husband Stevo as a young mother of two, then also sister Milka, son Veljko, son-in-law Tomislav, husband Djuro, and brothers Stevan and Ranko. She survived the war in the former Yugoslavia and battled dementia during the last years of life. Despite these personal tragedies, there were also triumphs like beating breast cancer. She persevered through laughter and being surrounded by people she loved, especially her family of whom she was very proud. Her granddaughter’s friends nicknamed her ‘World Traveler’ for her tireless commitment to maintaining ties between her families in Croatia, Serbia, and the US.

Bosa is remembered with love and mourned by children Desanka and Ranko, brother Petar, eight grandchildren and their partners, 14 great-grandchildren, and a large extended family of cousins, nieces, nephews, great-nieces and great-nephews, in-laws, and life-long friends. Bosa’s final resting place will be in Sremska Mitrovica alongside husband Djuro and son Veljko. A memorial service will be held on August 14th, 2021 at 12pm at Holy Resurrection Serbian Orthodox Cathedral, 5701 N Redwood Dr, Chicago, IL 60631.

Instead of flowers, a donation to honor Bosa's memory can be made to the American Brain Foundation:

or the National Breast Cancer Foundation:

За додатне информације можете се обратити СВЕТОЈ ГОРИ, српском православном погребном заводу у Чикагу на телефон 773-588-2200.

Holy Resurrection Serbian Orthodox Cathedral


Vesna Zafirovski (Chicago, IL)

Vjecnaja pamjat, peace everlasting. Sincere condolences to the family.

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