Desa Okilj Desa Okilj

Desa Okilj

(1947 +2014)

Beloved wife oof Milos, loving mother of Radmila (Dragan ) Lojanica and Dragana Svrkota, proud grandmother of Svjetlana, Djordje, Nevena and Jelena, cherished sister of Visnja Jevric. Desa will be sorely missed by families Оbrаdоvić, Lојаnicа, Оkilј, Svrkоtа and Јеvrić, numerous other family members, Kumovi and friends in the Fatherland, the USA and world wide. Opelo (Serbian Orthodox Funeral Service) and interment too place on Sunday, September 21, 2014 in Alibunar, Serbia.

For detailed information please contact:
SVETA GORA FUNERAL HOME, Chicago, tel 773-588-2200.

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