Dr. Desanka Маtоvić Dr. Desanka Маtоvić

Dr. Desanka Маtоvić

(1926 +2015)

Dr. Desanka Matovic, 87, passed away on Wednesday, June 17, 2015. Born in Belgrade, Serbia on December 8, 1926 to Dr. Miladin and Kruna Leban. Dearly beloved wife of the late Dr. Radomir Matovic, Dr. Desanka wil be sorely missed by the families and dear friends and relatives, families Laban, Matovic, Minic, Dr. Srdjan Mirkovic, Sinisa Radunovic and by all who knew her. Dr. Desanka was also a large benefactor to the New Gracanica Serbian Orthodox Monastery, St. Steven of Decani Serbian Orthodox Church, St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Seminary in Libertyville and to many other Serbian hispitals and organizations. Generous help in medical equipment and funds to her displaced people in the ex Yugoslavia will never be forgotten. Pomen (Serbian Orthodox Wake Service) on Friday, June 19, 2015 at 7 p.m. at St. Steven of Decani Serbian Orthodox Church, 3543 W. Leland Ave, Chicago, IL 60625. Opelo (Serbian Orthodox Funeral Service), Friday, June 20, 2015, 11 a.m. at the New Granica Serbian Orthodox Monastery, Third lake, Illinois.

For detailed information please contact:
SVETA GORA FUNERAL HOME, Chicago, tel 773-588-2200.

Photo and Video


Miladin Laban (Knic, Serbia)

17. Juna navrsila se godinu dana od smrti nase upokojne tetke doktorke Desanke Laban Matovic sahranjene u Cikagu – manastir Gracanica. Svojim prisustvom na grobu pokojne tetke odali smo I obelezili godisnjicu smrti nase drage tetke. Nek joj je vecna slava. Amin.

Miladin Laban (Kragujevac Knic, Srbija)

Proslo je tuznih 6 meseci od smrti nase drage Tetka Dese i mi cemo odrzati pomen secanja na nju i za pokoj duse. Njeni najmiliji Miladin Danijela Tamara i Dragan. 12.12.2015.

Miladin Laban (Kragujevac, Srbija)

Dragoj nasoj tetka Desi neka je vecna slava i neka je bog cuva kako na zemlji tako i na nebu.Neka pociva u vecnom miru,a mi cemo je se secati dok smo zivi. Ozaloscena porodica Laban.Bratanci Miladin, Nikola, bratanica Marina,i celokupna porodica.

Biljana I Nenad Radonjic (Willowbrook, Illinois)

Kuma Desa neka pociva u miru. Porodici najiskrenije saucesce.

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