Dragan Sarich, 49, passed away on Thursday, January 7, 2021. Born in Chicago on September 13, 1971 to father Radisav and mother Branka Sarić.
Dearly beloved son of Radisav and Branka, loving father of Luka and Nikola, proud brother of Zoran (Betty) Sarich and Zorica (Radomir) Arsenić, caring uncle of Milan, Marina, Marko, Suzana, Sofija and Mile.
Dragan’s kind and generous heart will be greatly missed by numerous other family members, Kumovi and dear friends in Serbia, the USA and world-wide. Memory eternal.
Visitation will take place Monday, January 11, 2021 at 11:00 a.m. followed by Opelo (Serbian Orthodox Funeral Service) at 12 noon at the New Gračanica Serbian Orthodox Monastery, 35240 N. Grant Street, Third Lake, IL 60046.
Interment at the Most Holy Mother of God Cemetery.
For detailed information please contact:
SVETA GORA FUNERAL HOME, Chicago, tel 773-588-2200.
Knowing Dragan was a great privilege. Dragan, thank you for all the wonderful conversations you shared with me at Calibre, and for all the wisdom you passed on. Thank you for teaching me more about life. I will miss you deeply.
Knowing Dragan was a great privilege. Dragan, thank you for all the wonderful conversations you shared with me at Calibre, and for all the wisdom you passed on. Thank you for teaching me more about life. I will miss you deeply.
Knowing Dragan was a great privilege. Dragan, thank you for all the wonderful conversations you shared with me at Calibre, and for all the wisdom you passed on. Thank you for teaching me more about life. I will miss you deeply.
Our hearts break for Dragan's beloved children, parents, siblings, and extended family and friends. Dragan was a special person who had more wisdom and faith than anyone else we know. He was an Orthodox warrior and inspiration to us all. In our family, he was and will always be referred to as "Dragan the Great." He was a blessing in our life and someone who will be missed. Much Love, Billy & Staci Veremis
Drags was one of the sweetest people I ever met. I can't believe I won't see his smiling face at a future Serbian event. My deepest condolences to his children, his parents, his siblings and all of his extended family. He will never be forgotten.
I consider it a great blessing to myself and my family to have met and befriended Dragon. I will remember him especially as a great man of intelligence and wisdom and Logos that we often discussed in the context of Christ and life in general. There are not many people like Dragon and he will be missed except for the hope of seeing him again when the time comes and our faith that Christ simply called him home. Thank you to Dragon and the Creator who shared him with us. God Bless.
Primite nase iskreno saucesce a Draganu neka Bog podari rajsko naselje u carstvu nebeskom. Vjecnaja pamjet!
Dragan... This is a terrible shock. In the brief time we worked together at Oakbrook, he was welcoming and supportive, and I that meant so much to me. So sorry to hear of his passing, sincerest condolences to all his family and friends.
Porodici iskreno saučešće,Dragan neka,počiva u večnom,miru.
Моје искрено саучешће породици Сарић а посебно његовим наследницима и да су они живи и здрави
Primite moje iskreno saučešće a Dragan neka počiva u miru i laka mi zemlja
Primite Nase Iskreno Saucesce.
Znam da vam ne mozemo ublaziti bol i tugu .Neka vas utesi to sto je vas voljeni sad medju andjelima, i sto ce da vas cuva sa neba od sveg zla i nevolja koje postoje na ovom svetu! Primite nase iskreno saucesce neka mu je vecna slava. Pocivaj u miru Gospodnjem!
Почивај у миру наш добри Драгане. Породици изражавам искрено саучешће а нашем Драгану нека Бог подари Рајско насеље у Царству небеском. Вјечни покој његовој племенитој души. Заувјек ћеш остат у нашим срцима.