For detailed information please contact:
SVETA GORA FUNERAL HOME, Chicago, tel 773-588-2200.
God Bless Mr. Bulatovich. To Plana and family, you’ll be in my prayers.
RIP Danny. It was a great pleasure knowing you. Will miss your laughter. God Bless.. Jenn & Merc
Iskreno saučešće porodici Bulatovic. Počivaj u miru Božijem Drago. Vječnaja pamjat Zoran i Milica Pešaković Third Lake, Illinois
RIP Danny, you will be missed. Heavenly Father please comfort all those who loved Danny. Amen
Danny was and will forever be a great man. He was feisty by nature but had one of the biggest hearts of all hearts. He is an irreplaceable friend and I am grateful for the time spent with him laughing, joking and listening to all of his stories. Thank you.for the memories my friend (cheers-slevo)
Iskreno saucesce porodici Bulatovic porodici Dimitrijevic I ostaloj rodbini. Pocivaj u miru Dragomire. Amin.
Iskreno saucesce porodici Bulatovic porodici Dimitrijevic I ostaloj rodbini. Neka ti je laka zemlja Dragomire.Amin.