Dušan Ivančević Dušan Ivančević

Душан Иванчевић

(1958 +2020)

У уторак 18. фебруара 2020. године 62. години живота престало је да куца племенито срце Душана Иванчевића, родом из Бенковца, од оца Петра и мајке Милке Иванчевић. Вјечнаја памјат.

Родбина и пријатељи опростили су се од покојног Душана у петак 22. фебруара 2020. године од 4 сата после подне до 9 сати у вече у Српском Православном Погребном Заводу Света Гора, 3517 N. Pulaski Road, Chicago, IL 60641.

Мали помен обављен је у 7 сати увече у Светој Гори.

Опело је обављено у суботу 22. фебруара 2020. године у 11 сати пре подне у манастиру Светог Саве, 32377 Milwaukee Avenue, Libertyville, IL 60048.

После Опела обављена је сахрана на манастирском гробљу.

Супруга Коса, кћерка Наташа, син Петар са супругом Лаурин, унуци Стево и Макс, пасторак Вук, Брат Миодраг са супругом Даницом, синовци Миодраг и Илија са фамилијом Иванчевић, браћа од ујака Милан и Ђуро са њиховим фамилијама, брат од стрица Никола Иванчевић са фамилијом, сестре од стрица Мими, Вида, Смиља и Даница и стрина Сека, брат од стрица Дамир Инанчевић, кумови Иванчевић, Јајић и Урошевић, као и остала многобројна родбина и драги пријатељу у Отаџбини, Америци и широм света.  

In lieu of flowers you may consider a contribution to Natasa's 529 Bright Start College Savings account. Please contact Petar  at pdivancevic@gmail.com or telephone number 847.226.1184 for a contribution form.

За додатне информације можете се обратити СВЕТОЈ ГОРИ, српском православном погребном заводу у Чикагу на телефон 773-588-2200.

Sveta Gora Serbian orthodox Funeral Home

St. Sava Monastery

Foto i video


Željana Radinović (Edmond, Oklahoma)

Upoznati te a ne zavoljeti, istog trena, bilo je prosto nemoguće. Naša dječica će odrastati uz uspomenu na Čika Denija. Večnaja Pamjat! Željana, Goran, Gavril i Tara

Ronald Vukmir (Caledonia , Wisconsin )

My deepest sympathies to the entire family. Danny along with Mike we’re always great friends during my younger days in Bellwood, Illinois. I remember the days when we sat all night in Dunkin Donuts drinking coffee and just talking and laughing the entire night. Danny, May you Rest In Peace. We will never forget you. God Bless

Ronald Vukmir (Caledonia , Wisconsin )

My deepest sympathies to the entire family. Danny along with Mike we’re always great friends during my younger days in Bellwood, Illinois. I remember the days when we sat all night in Dunkin Donuts drinking coffee and just talking and laughing the entire night. Danny, May you Rest In Peace. We will never forget you. God Bless

Nathan Smith (Long Beach , CA)

Danny was a true friend and like an older brother and second father to all of us growing up in Crystal Lake. Our hearts go out to all his family and friends. Please accept our deepest condolences. -Nate Smith and Heather Stangle-Smith

Nathan Smith (Long Beach , CA)

Danny was a true friend and like an older brother and second father to all of us growing up in Crystal Lake. Our hearts go out to all his family and friends. Please accept our deepest condolences. -Nate Smith and Heather Stangle-Smith

Dijana Kunac (ChicagoIll, Illinois)

Dragi Danny,Likota,bato moj...izneverio si me,otisao i bez pozdrava,a ne odosmo na pice "kod Tome"...ali ti znas da se ja nemogu naljutiti na tebe...znam da si otisao na lepse mesto...Pocivaj u miru sa svojim sinom, a mi cemo ovde voleti i cuvati tvoju princezu... Saucesce porodici...

Bogdan Vitas (Lake Worth, Florida)

Vjenaja Pamjat!!! Rest in peace Dusan!!!


Mom velikom prijatelju bratu i drugu Dusanu poslednji pozdrav Gorana Ilic sa porodicom.

Biljana Lunic (Beograd, Srbija)

Veoma velika čast je bila upoznati te, deliti trenutke i osmehe sa tobom. Bio si čovek koji je pre svega bio uzor, podrška i prijatelj. Iznenadno si otišao i ostavio za sobom prelep život u kome si ljubav pružao svima kojima je bila potrebna, ali i onima koji su je već imali. Uživaj na drugom mestu, ponovo ugledavši i zagrlivši sina, a mi ćemo grliti vas oboje odavde i čekati ponovan susret!

Doris Rodic-Cole (Greenfield , Wi)

My heartfelt condolences to Dusan’s family on their loss. And to all of the Ivancevic extended family. Vjecnaja Pamjat. Memory Eternal 🕯🙏😢

David Stevens (MASON CITY, Illinois)

Danny was a good friend and co worker enjoyed spending time with him either on the golf course or at work had alot of good times and laughs never a dull moment. Till we meet again my friend RIP MY BROTHER.

Zoran Uzelac (unuk Đure (Saričina) Vitasa iz Počtelja) (Sombor, Srbija)

Mnogo nam je žao za vest koju smo čuli za Dušana, primite naše iskreno saučešće. Počivaj u miru Božjem i neka mu je laka crna zemlja.

Marijana Malencic (Des Plaines, Il)

I am heartbroken.I can not believe our friend DANNY left us .Never have I know a person like him,so positive,so loving always ready for a good time.He will be missed forever.

Vera Bozickobi (Stoney Creek , Ontario )

Heartfelt condolences to the whole family. Memory eternal. Vera Bozickovic & family

Jon Cvjetićanin (Elmhurst, Illinois)

I'm so sorry for the loss of Danny. Knew him and him brother Mike for the last 30yrs. I'm heartbroken and sad with his passing.

Nikola Ivancevic (Flossmoor, IL)

On Tuesday, February 18, 2020 we lost a father, a husband, a brother, an uncle, a cousin and Kum to many people. He was known to many as either Dusan, Danny-Lika, Bato, Bija or a few others I shouldn't say. I will forever remember him as Bato my brother my cousin. When I became a father for the first time I immediately thought of him as a role model of how I wanted to be with my kids. He was loving, calm, relaxed (maybe a little to relaxed at times) and had the patience of an angel. I don't ever recall him angry, vicious, vindictive or mean, he was none of those things. He made me want to be a better person and I wish he was here so I could tell him what he meant to me and everyone that will be celebrating his life this Friday. I miss you Bato and I forever will be sorry we didn't have that dinner we planned.

Craig Edwards (Addison , Illinois )

Danny was not only a fellow coworker but truly a great friend of mine we played a lot of golf together but also a lot of laughs he will be truly missed til I see you in heaven my brother

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