Duška Kuhlmann Duška Kuhlmann

Душка Кулман

(1926 +2022)

Обавештавамо родбину и пријатеље да је у четвртак 27. јануара 2022. године у 95. години живота у Чикагу престало да куца племенито срце Душке Кулман, рођене 13. децембра 1926. године у Београду, од оца Стеве и мајке Зоре Бајалице. Вјечнаја памјат.

Дружење са Душком је увек било право уживање. Она је буила изузетно сигурна и одлучна особа, несебична и увек спремна да саслуша и помогне другог. Ако није могла сама да помогне, увек је знала коме да се обрати за помоћ. Постати њен пријатељ значило је остати пријатељ до краја живота.

Родбина и пријатељи опростили су се од покојне Душке у недељу 6. фебруара 2022. године од 2 сата после подне до 3 сата после подне у Српском Православном Погребном Заводу Света Гора, 3517 N. Pulaski Road, Chicago, IL 60641.

Опело је обављено са почетком у 3 сата после подне.

Сахрана ће бити обављена на Новом Гробљу у Београду.

Пасторка Кристиана Лотер и Габи Сајдел; Праунучад: Шентал Торнборо и Џери Лотер; Братанци, братанице, сестрићи и сестричине: Елизабета Конрад, Катја Стемер, Зора Ћирковић, Милан Ћирковић, Влада Ортаковски, Бранко Ортаковски, Стеван Бајалица и Петар Бергман; драги пријатељи Љубица и Слободан Поповић.

За додатне информације можете се обратити СВЕТОЈ ГОРИ, српском православном погребном заводу у Чикагу на телефон 773-588-2200.

Sveta Gora Serbian Orthodox Funeral Home

Novo Groblje Cemetery, Belgrade Serbia

Foto i video


Mariateresa (Italy, Europe )

Duska was one of the first persons i was introduced to by my husband Jovo, when I arrived in Chicago in the late fifties (last century) who became one of my best friends. She was very llikeable (simpatica ), ready to help, very lively , good hearted, full of interests, a great companion. Even her defects could become an asset , like her being out of tune. In fact, on the occasions of some friendly gatherings, Duska together with my husband (also out of tune!) would perform some duets, very hilarious, for the delight of all of us. But, helas, “tempi passati” as she would say. Good bye , my dear friend, you will be for ever in my heart as in the heart of your many friends . Ciao…..until we will meet again, somewhere else… Mariateresa

Branimir Bajić (Belgrade, Serbia)

Duška Duška, a dear friend of my family. I came to Chicago in 1990 and very soon we met and became very close friends. My wife Vanya, our two sons and I adored Duška and couldn’t wait to meet with Duška again. When visiting Duška at her home she would award each of our sons with either silver dollar or two dollar bill for cleaning after dinner. After we left Chicago in 1992 we took every opportunity to visit Duška at her home on Michigan Ave. She came to visit us in Bethesda, MD for 2011 cherry blossom festivities. We had a wonderful time cruising around Washington, DC area, visiting all major attractions and even visited Picasso’s exibition in Virginia Fine Arts Museum in Richmond, VA. When we returned to Serbia we would talk over the phone very often. Vanya never missed a chance to send photos from our trips, Duška loved it very much. Duška came to Belgrade in 2017 as she wanted to explore options for coming to Belgrade for some period of time. I took her to see some of the prospective accomodations. Unfortunately, tragic events that eventually led to her sister’s Danče death stopped her in this pursue. We learned that Duška left us from her niece Zora, very soon after she passed. What a life, what a courageous lady our Duška was. My family will always keep her in our hearts, within us. Duška will be one of the greatest symbols and examples how life should be lived. May our Duška rest in peace and may God give her everlasting peace and love.

Dr James Stoxen (Chicago, IL)

Duska came to me unable to walk without a cane or walker. I worked with her day after day motivating her She started active rehabilitation which involved lifting weights. She was surprisingly strong lifting more each week of almost every exercise. She would count them out 1 2 3 4 5 7 Id say 6!!! and we would laugh. She then left for her country to visit her sister and the two of them spent a month or more until her sister fell. She was not properly examined by the doctors missing a fracture that bled ending her life. When she returned she said she buried her younger sister and I could tell she was very sad. She would have a health setback every 6 months or so from numbness in the arms to a fractured hip and many other ailments that would weaken her but she stayed strong because she loved life but mostly she loved to laugh. She was my number one best patient for years. Im sad Ive lost another friend/patient. Dr James Stoxen DC

Nadežda Dody Rakić (Chicago, Illinois)

Draga Duška, that was the way my +mother always referred to +Duška.They were close, intimate and sincere friends. True friends, for over 50 years. Mostly they shared good times: Going together to slava of friends and otherhappy events. They consoled each other if problems occurred, as they often do for all of us, but mostly, I recall much laughter and stories of happy events in their lives. It was because of this close relationship that my mother had with +Duska, that I too got to know +Duška, and very soon we too became good friends. She talked about her life, which was not always easy, but she always solved her problems, on her own, never asking help from anyone. Life taught her many things. She had much wisdom and experience that she gladly shared with others. I valued her friendship. I learned many things of value from Draga +Duška. What always stood out regarding +Duška, was her very unselfish, dedicated way to help other people. If she saw a need, she was there to help. She knew the joy of giving and she practiced it throughout her long life. I am grateful for knowing +Draga Duska, I will miss her, and if souls who were good friends here on earth, can meet again, in a higher dimension (frequency - as Tesla describes), then I hope to see Draga +Duska again. May she rest in peace……U VEČNOM, NEBESKOM, BOŽIJEM RAJU. Nadežda Dody

Marija Backovic (Paris, France)

I met teta Duška in 1998 when I came to Chicago to pursue my studies. She quickly become a friend and family I could always count on. I was always amazed by how big and open her heart was to all the people. She hasn't stopped surprising me by her ability to embrace the best of the world until the very, very end. She was remarkable in so many ways. I met new friends from all over the world through her and heard so many moving life stories that will stay with me forever. She was a woman who was certainly ahead of her time, which is why so many interesting and wonderful people of all the ages were drawn to her. Her love for life and people, and her enthusiasm and wish to help make a legacy that I will try to honor by how I treat others. She is not here anymore but her words and spirit are. Rest in peace my dearest friend and thank you for enriching our lives.

Chantal Thornborough (Corona, California)

Duska was my grandmother (we called her Oma Duska). She was such a loving, caring, and overall such a people person. She always spoke her mind. It was always a joy to speak to her and hear her stories and life experiences. She always made me laugh. One time when Duska was visiting us in California, she saw my daughter playing on a computer and she said "if a 5 year old can do it so can I". She went home and bought herself a computer and we helped her set up her email. I always admired her for trying new things and her drive to be so independent. My mother, daughter and I visited Duska this past December for her 95th Birthday. We took her to a fine Italian dinner and enjoyed lots of wine together. She was so happy. I am so grateful we were able to see her. I thank God that she passed away quietly and peacefully. Duska will be forever in our hearts and never forgotten. We Love you Oma Duska.

Christiane Lotter (Las Vegas, NV)

When Duska married my father, Heinz Kuhlmann, there was no way to know that over time I'd love her too. Duska was on my side when I married the love of my live in 1964. She was part of my family life and we wanted her near, but Chicago was her home. So we visited her often. We spent the last five Birthdays with her in Chicago after she moved into a Retirement home, having good food and fun and planning her next birthday. Duska you are loved more than you know. God will hold you in his arms. And I will miss her forever. Christiane

Branko Ortakovski (Gevgelija, Makedonija)

Dragoj tetki, Dosao je tuzni dan I najtuznija vest. Polako I tiho krenula je putem prema vecnosti.Coveka poznaju po tome sta je uradio ili stekao,medzutim tuga me je naterala sada da vidim njene posebne osobine I dela. Ona je pre svega imala veliku dusu I srce. Uvek nasmejana,puna ljubavi,` svima je pomagala,znanim I neznanim. Njena blagorodna, temperamentna i nemirna dusa nije stajala mirno. Onima koji su dolazili u Chikago njen stan bio je dom dok bi se snasli,ili nalazila posao,ili imali su potrebe od novca. A za porodicu bila je majka.Skoro celu familiju je pozivala I ugostila. Svi smo bili kod nje u Chikagu,sa najboljim utiscima.... Upoznala nas je sa americkom civilizacijom,obicajima,muzejima,ali I sa najboljim vinima,koje je voljela. I sve tako do poslednjih dana kada je tiha smrt pocela da se uvlaci u njenu dusu. Telefon je dizala sve redze,trudila se da njen glas zvuci veseo,iako se nije mirila sa tim da ne moze mnoge stvari.... Kao sveca koja se polako gasi… Veliko srce joj I sada kuca u raju .I tamo kuca I tamo pomaze….. A ovde ostala je velika praznina I tuga.Secanja ostaju,dela potsecaju. I na kraju draga moja tetka Duska,zelim mir u tvom srcu, spokoj u tvojoj dusi. Pocivaj u miru I budi srecna medzu andzelima. Branko Ortakovski

Vesna (XXX, XX)

Duška had so many great qualities as a person and a friend that it will take too long to list them in this short tribute. The first attribute that comes to mind when I think of her is "warrior!" She fought for her beliefs, she fought for her family, she fought for her businesses, she fought for her friends, and in the end she fought against death. Duška was my mother's best friend and that connection made her a part of my life until the end. We met when I was 15, several decades ago, and we immediately bonded. Both of us loved adventures, learning about the world, helping people, having fun, and being "in charge!" Duška and I understood each other all our lives, even when we were not together. My dear friend, It has been an honor and a privilege to have been a part of your life for so many years. Thank you for your wisdom, your sense of humor and your love. You will always be in my heart and I will miss you forever. Vesna

Sinisa Stanic, MD (Urbana, Illinois )

Dear All, I met Mrs. Duska Kuhlmann (maiden Bajalica) in June 2002 immediately following my arrival in the US. I worked at the Univ. of Illinois at Chicago as a Post-doctoral Fellow, and I really knew almost nothing about America. Mrs. Kuhlmann provided me a temporary accommodation for six weeks in her apartment in downtown Chicago and also introduced me to American life and many cultural aspects of life in the US. A day following my arrival in the US, she took me to a Social Security Administration Office in Chicago to apply for my social security number. When I found an apartment for rent near my work on South Ashland Ave in Chicago, she assisted me with finding a reasonably priced furniture and gave me some good advices how to save some money. How did I learn about Mrs. Kuhlmann? From Professor Miodrag Radulovacki, MD, PhD who recommended me to Mrs. Kuhlmann. He knew many great people in Chicago, many Serbs, who supported our students from Serbia to start their new lives in the US. Duska was one of them, but she was really, really special in many ways. Both Duska and Professor Radulovacki had one thing in common: Big, Big Hearts! During my work in Chicago, Mrs. Kuhlmann invited me and other students from Serbia to many dinners in her apartment. She was always supportive, positive, and in a good spirit. After Mrs. Kuhlmann moved into Brookdale Senior Living on Belmont Ave in Chicago, I went to visit her at least three times per year. I live 2 and 1/2 hours from Chicago, have a busy clinical oncology practice and family, and I always found time to visit Mrs. Kuhlmann. We would usually go to Nova Gracanica Serbian Monastery in Lake Villa, IL, visit a grave site of Professor Radulovacki at nearby St Sava Serbian Monastery in Libertyville, IL, go for a walk in Dawes Lakefront Park in Evanston, and have a dinner together in a nice restaurant. So many times, Mrs. Kuhlmann asked me: "Oh, my Sinisa, what did I do to deserve so much your attention and your time? Thank you!". And, my answer was always the same: "You deserved a lot. I only return your kindness, support and hospitality that you showed to me so many times in the past. Auntie Duska (Teta Duska), how can I forget it?" I am deeply appreciative of the opportunity to know Mrs. Kuhlmann. She was a great person and I will never forget her kindness and support. Hvala Vam na svemu moja teta Duska! Sinisa Stanic, MD Urbana, Illinois


Duska was a lovely friend with a great sense of humor. She was a very loyal friend generous and inspirational. What I admired most from her was her strength in front of life challenges. A very courageous woman!. At her age she was not intimidated by technology she was able to use a tablet as well as a smart phone. I will always remember her laughter and her positive approach to life. Now she is happy and full of glory! May her soul rest in peace!

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