Igor Sichkar Igor Sichkar

Igor Sichkar

(1965 +2021)

Igor Sichkar, 56, passed away on Friday, December 3, 2021. Born on September 15, 1965 in Crimea to father Vladimir and mother Valentina SIchkar Ksendzov. Memory eternal.

Dearly beloved husband of Valentyna, loving son of Valentina, proud brother of Alexander (Tatiana), caring uncle of Taras and Andrej.

Igor’s kind and generous heart will be sorely missed by numerous other family members and dear friends in Crimea, the USA and worldwide.

Russian Orthodox Funeral Service was held on Tuesday, December 7, 2021 at 10 a.m. at the Holy Virgin Protection Cathedral, 1800 Lee Street, Des Plaines, IL 60018, followed by interment at the Most Holy Mother of God Cemetery, New Gračanica Serbian Orthodox Monastery, 35240 W Grant Ave, Third Lake, IL 60046.

За додатне информације можете се обратити СВЕТОЈ ГОРИ, српском православном погребном заводу у Чикагу на телефон 773-588-2200.

Holy Virgin Protection Cathedral

New Gračanica Serbian Orthodox Monastery

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