Ljubiša Popović, born February 20, 1932 in Subjel, Srbija, came to America in 1966, returned to his beloved Subjel several years ago, where he reposed in the Lord on November 18, 2021.
A devout Christian and kind soul, Ljubiša was a respected figure in the Serbian community who loved life and wanted others to as well. He will be remembered for his humor, wit, magnetic smile and incredible storytelling. His presence brought peace to everyone he encountered. We celebrate his energy that inspired and connected so many.
His journey now reunites him with his parents, Dušan and Milorajka, his wife of 40 years Vera and son Duško, where, in the grace of God in Heaven, they rejoice over his arrival.
Visitation Saturday, December 4, 2021 from 11 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at the New Gračanica Monastey, 35240 West Grant Avenue, Third Lake, IL 60046,
Opelo, (Serbian Orthodox Funeral Service), 11:30 a.m. at the Monastery.
Interment at the Most Holy Mother of God Cemetery.
After the interment Daća, (Serbian Orthdox Memorial Luncheon), was served at the Monastery.
Survived and sorely missed by his loving wife Nadežda, adoring sister Milika (+Vladimir) Bulaja, devoted children Snežana (Timothy) Wensits, Milunika (Slobodan) Sijerić, Milun (Maria) Popović, Milovan (Karen) Popović; nephew Goran (Vesna) Bulaja, niece Olgica (Dušan) Vukašinović, eight adoring grandchildren: Koviljka Kolondžić, Nicholas (Sarah) Wensits, Andrea Wensits, Milanka (Daniel) Marić, Milena (Dejan) Zečevich, Aleksander Popović, Luka Popović, Maja Popović, and five precious great-grandchildren: Elizabeth Vera, Pavle, Dane, Emily Joy, and Olivija, along with numerous Kumovi, family and friends in America and Serbia and truly everyone that was fortunate enough to meet him as he left his imprint on all.
May we all live life as he demonstrated - to the fullest and with genuine joy. Memory eternal.
For detailed information please contact:
SVETA GORA FUNERAL HOME, Chicago, tel 773-588-2200.
John 16:22 Therefore you now have sorrow; but I will see you again and your heart will rejoice, and your joy no one will take from you. To The Popović Family - My kids and I want to express our sincere condolences To The Popović Family and Friends!! Sorry for your loss of Mr. Ljubiša Popović, but God has added a great Angel to Heaven to look over all of us. With much Love and Prayers – The Martin Family (Derrick Sr, Derrick Jr, Shantel, Joshua and Jeremiah).
Dragi moji, Suvišne su reči. Čika Ljube i teta Nada su mnogima bili kao drugi roditelji. Dela ih najbolje opisuju. Čika Ljube, neka ti Gospod podari Rajsko naselje. Porodici iskreno saučešće.
Љубиша Попвић као дугогодишњи члан ЦШО-не старог Васкрсења Христовог на Палмер, који одлази са овоземаљског живота у 90 год. живота . свима ће остати у мислима као човека кога га красиле најлепше особине. Драга Надо, Теби и многобројној ожалошћеној фамилији поводом одласка Љубише са овоземаљског живот у вечноост, примите наше искрено и дубоко саучешће. Вама нека Господ пружи утеху а пок. Љубиши нека му Васкрсли Господ додели рајско насеље у царсву небеском и Бог душу да му прости. о. Чедомир Костић, са попадијом бивши парох на Палмер.
Драга тетка Надо примите моје најискреније саучешће, и саучешће моје породице. Молићемо се Господу свим срцем, за нашег ччика Љубишу.
Nase iskreno saucesce za celu porodicu. Vjecnaja pamjat.🕯
Primite nase iskreno i duboko saucesce celoj porodici, Ljubisa je bio divan i tako prijatan covek, uvjek nasmejan i veseo.