Milan Mićo Komljenović, 58, passed away on Monday, November 4, 2024. Born on April 30, 1966 in Prijedor, Republika Srpska, to father Ivo and mother Mira Komljenović. Memory eternal.
Relatives and friends will say goodbye to the late Milan at the Opelo (Serbian Orthodox Funeral Service) on Saturday, November 23, 2024 at 11:00 a.m. at the New Gračanica Monastery, 35240 W Grant Ave, Third Lake, IL 60046.
After the Opelo, funeral will take place at the New Gračanica Cemetery.
After the funeral, Daća (Serbian Orthodox Memorial Luncheon) will be served in the New Gračanica monastery for the repose of Milan's great and noble soul.
Wife Snježana Komljenović, daughter Ivana Komljenović, son Marko Komljenović with his wife Teresa, niece Dušica with her family, father-in-law Ilija and mother-in-law Paula with their family, sister Dubravka with her family, as well as other numerous relatives, kumovi and dear friends in the the Republika Srpska, Serbia, the USA and worldwide.
Our Dad, our beloved Mićo, was and will remain our hero, a great human being who had a heart as big as the world and open to all people, especially to us! He was a man who made everyone laugh with his sense of humor and the charm of an eternal boy, especially when he sees people in a bad mood around him. He suppressed his worries in order to make them laugh and cheer up.
My dear dad, you were my hero, a man who, with the love he built and gave to my mom, taught me what it means to have a strong man by your side, with whom even the greatest adversities are easier to overcome. Now you have gone to a more beautiful and better place where there is no sickness, no sorrow or sighing, where life is endless, but you will forever remain in our hearts, now as our Guardian Angel, because the Lord always chooses the best for his Paradise garden.
For detailed information please contact:
SVETA GORA FUNERAL HOME, Chicago, tel 773-588-2200.
Mićo, bio si jedinstven, čovjek pun humora, zabave i talenata da svakoga nasmiješ. Nikada nisi propuštao priliku da podjeliš šalu, posebno sa mnom, često me podsjećajući na onaj nezaboravni dan kada sam ti udario auto odmah nakon što smo ga pokupili sa aukcije. Ta uspomena me uvijek nasmije. Ali pored tvog smisla za humor, imao si srce od zlata. Unio si radost u živote svih koji su te upoznali, i zauvijek ću te pamtiti kao nekoga ko je mogao da osvijetli svaku prostoriju svojom prisutnošću. Mićo, mnogo ćeš nam nedostajati, ali tvoj duh će živjeti kroz osmijeh i ljubav koju si dijelio sa svima nama. Porodici Komljenović, Molim vas da primite naše najiskrenije saučešće zbog vašeg gubitka. Mićo je bio zaista poseban čovjek, pun humora, dobrote i topline. Imao je jedinstvenu sposobnost da zbliži ljude i da ih nasmije, i svima koji su ga poznavali jako će nedostajati. Neka vam sjećanje na njega donese utjehu u ovim teškim trenucima. Mićo će zauvijek ostat u našim mislima i molitvama. Svi mi, familija kao i kumovi Vujić, šaljemo vam našu ljubav i podršku u ovom teškom vremenu. Neka počiva u miru.