For detailed information please contact:
SVETA GORA FUNERAL HOME, Chicago, tel 773-588-2200.
We wish to express our deepest condolences for the passing of your beloved father, Milenko. He was a wonderful man, full of joy and laughter. We are grateful that he was part of our lives. Our whole family will miss him dearly.
Збогом драги и вечно млади побратиме и пријатељу. Твој осмех и твоја природна, Богом дана доброта остаће у нашем вечном сећању.Вјечнаја памјат драги и добри Миленко. Душан, Ела, Милош и Алкесандар Ђорђевић
Збогом драги и вечно млади побратиме и пријатељу. Твој осмех и твоја природна, Богом дана доброта остаће у нашем вечном сећању.Вјечнаја памјат драги и добри Миленко. Душан, Ела, Милош и Алкесандар Ђорђевић
Milenko, you were missed by all your S.O.C.A. singers this past weekend in St. Louis and I will miss your friendship and standing next to you singing wherever that may be. + Memory Eternal Brate
Dear Vuckovich Family, Your father was a very well respected man amongst all of the SOCA organization, as well by many people outside of SOCA. My wife and I as former choir members have good memories of Miso from two choirs. Zmaj Jovan Jovanovic of South Chicago and OHR. It is understandable that you will miss him, but take comfort in the fact, that in your memory of him, and all of the memories of many people. You can be very proud of your Tata, as he leaves this world with a great reputation of love of his Family and of his faith.