Nikola Ljotić Nikola Ljotić

Nikola Ljotić

(1922 +2023)

Nikola was born in Smederevo in 1922 to his parents Dimitrije & Ivka. He grew up with his brother Vladimir, and sister Ljubica (Teta Seka). As a teenager, Nikola developed his passion for swimming while crossing the Danube River and negotiating its swift currents.

At 19, Nikola witnessed the tumultuous outbreak of WWII; the tidal wave of war descended on his homeland in Serbia. As a staunch anti-communist, Nikola joined the Serbian Volunteer Army (Dobrovoljci) to defend his homeland, and to preserve the Serbian population, who were under attack from all sides. As the tide of the war changed in Serbia, Nikola, along with thousands of his fellow defenders retreated to Slovenia, and were eventually forced to settle in European refugee camps for 5 years. There he met his wife Olivera (Dostanić).

As his fellow refugees started to relocate throughout the world, Nikola & Olivera came to the shores of America, and settled in Chicago in 1950. There they raised two children, Ivanka and Dimitrije.

After a 16-year gap caused by war, Nikola resumed his college education in Chicago, and received his bachelor's and master’s degree in electrical engineering. He worked for several prominent companies in Chicago for 30 years. Nikola loved his Serbian Orthodox Church (Holy Resurrection) in Chicago. He was on the church board, and on the committee to build the new church at Redwood Drive in the 1970s. He sang most Sundays in the Branko Radichevic choir for over 50 years.

Nikola resumed his lifelong passion for swimming by taking his family to Lake Michigan every weekend during the summers. He would swim, mile after mile, year after year, and decade after decade. In his later life he continued to swim at the local health club.

Nikola was a devoted husband, who with great patience and love cared for Olivera during her long battle with cancer.

In retirement, Nikola stayed devoted to his church, his family, his friends, his homeland and to his swimming. For decades he contributed regularly to the diaspora publication Iskra. He was generous, and always helped others, especially those who were most in need.

Nikola was fiercely independent and lived in his own home and drove his own car until his mid-90s. Due to health reasons, he reluctantly moved in with his daughter Ivanka and her husband Larry.

Nikola is one of the last of a generation of people numbering in the thousands who bravely defended their homeland when they were young, idealistic, full of energy, and when Serbia needed them the most. That generation left their homes because they had to and settled throughout the world. They are a generation of real Serbian patriots, who loved their people, their church, their families and who lived their lives in the diaspora with great dignity. A historical and unsung generation, but none-the-less, a great one.

Nikola passed away peacefully this past Sunday on July 2, 2023, 5 days before his 101st birthday. He flowed with life's current and carved out his unique path. He swam throughout his life, and when life took him downstream, he went with the flow; and when he had to go upstream, he fought with courage, dignity, and determination.

Recenty, we asked: "Tata, why did you stop swimming?" He wittily replied, "Well I stopped after one lap because I was tired."

Tata, you swam the good race of life, and now you can rest in peace. May your memory be eternal!

In lieu of flowers, please make your donation to either Holy Resurrection Serbian Orthodox Cathedral or to HRC Branko Radichevic choir.

To our father (Ivanka and Dimitrije & their spouses, Larry and Jasmina), to our grandfather (Svetlana and her husband Peter, Nikola, Aleksandar and Vladimir), to our great-grandfather (Danica & Aleksandra) to my brother (Ljubica Dobrilović also known as Teta Seka), and to our Čika Nikola (from all nieces and nephews and their children from the Dobrilović and Todorović families), Nikola, may your memory be eternal.

Mali Pomen (Serbian Orthodox Wake Service) Friday, July 7, 2023 at 7:30 p.m. at the Holy Resurrection Serbian Orthodox Cathedral. 5701 N Redwood Drive, Chicago, IL 60631.

Visitation Saturday, July 8, 2023 from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. at the Holy Resurrection Serbian Orthodox Cathedral.

Opelo (Serbian Orthodox Funeral Service) Saturday, July 8, 2023 - 11:00 a.m. Holy Resurrection Serbian Orthodox Cathedral.

Following Opelo, interment took place at the St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Monastery, 32377 N. Milwaukee Avenue, Libertyville, IL 60048.

After the funeral, Daća (Serbian Orthodox Memorial Luncheon), was served at the New Gračanica Serbian Orthodox Monastery, 35240 N Grant Ave, Third Lake, IL 60046.

For detailed information please contact:
SVETA GORA FUNERAL HOME, Chicago, tel 773-588-2200.

Photo and Video


Miomir Nikich (Scottsdale, AZ)


Marija Vučković (Barrington Hills, IL.)

Draga Seko, celoj porodici saučešće na odlasku divnog i poštovanog čoveka. Marija i Grada

Mira Jovanovic (San Diego, Ca 92117)

Dragi Mito, ivanka, Seko i svim clanovima vase drage familije zelimo Velja i ja da izjavimo nase naj iskrenije saucesce. Kum Nikola je bio moj kum; drzao me je na rukama na krstenju u Eboliju. Svestenik je bio pok.otac Danilo Milanovic. Ja skoro da se licno secam svog krstenja jer ja sam imala vec skoro godinu i po dana i rekla sam svesteniku, “Popo nemoj da mi seces moje loknice.” Mora da je se jadan kum Nikola izkozijo drzeci mene! Mi smo kao sve Dobrovoljacke/zboraske familije bili privrzeni u toj ratnoj nevoli ali kako je doslo do toga da moja mama pita Nikolu Ljotica da mi bude kum nikada mi nije bilo jasno. Moj tata, Vlastimir,Vlaja ,bio je knjizar i strasan Zboras ,knjizar Valjevski. On i njegov mladji brat, Ljubisav su obojica baceni na Kopaonik ( jednu grupu je vodio Rada Pavlovic, a moj tata drugu) kao padobranci da stupe u neki kontakt i formiraju odbranu sa saveznicima u ono kobno vreme nasrta paklenih partizana i Sovijeta. Cika Ljuba je ostao ziv ( i kasnije uhvacen i bio u zatvoru 8 god.; od mog oca nije bilo ni traga , mada su mi neki ljudi u Minhenu godinama kasnije pricali da je poginuo) I eto dragi mi kumovi, sada po prvi put da zapisem kako je da mi je kum bio jedan divan Bogu data smirenost covek Nikola Ljotic. Neka mu je vecna pamjat. Mira(Vlastimirka) Radovanovic Jovanovic

Milan Kuzmic (Smederevo, Srbija)

Večnaja pamjat deda Nikola počivaj u carstvu Božijem sa najboljim sinovima majke Srbije. Mrtvi niste o druzi mili još se čuje vaš gromki glas vaš duh silni u nama živi vaša duša lebdi izmeđ nas, vi ste pošli učitelju svome al u težak i krvavi boj i za našu lepu misao Zbora vi ste dali mlađan život svoj.

Mike Savatic (Libertyville, Illinois)

Cika Nikola, a pillar of the Serbian Orthodox Community in Chicago. Yes, he was part of a great generation but more importantly, he was the best of a great generation. A man of few words, who spoke by example. The definition of humility who silently helped those that no one else would help. Always there, always an example of someone good. Always there, always good to me and my family. Thank you for all that you did, never seeking an ounce of recognition. My prayer is that your reward for all the good that you have done will be in heaven. May your memory remain eternal. I know it will remain eternal in my mind as a Hero of all those that are good.

Драган Јевтић (Београд, Србија)

Бог да помене.Саучешће породици.Христос Воскресе.

Sally Bray (Pickering, Ontario, Canada. L1V7C5)

Dearest Ivanka, Dimitri, Seka and Family, Please accept my heartfelt condolences on the passing of beloved Nikola. From my earliest memories, he was always a respected and admired pillar in our church and the Serbian community everywhere. I loved singing with Brankies for many years and hearing Nikola standing behind me with his lovely bass voice. A quiet and dignified man, he still had a great sense of humor and often teased my sister and me. What a wonderful rich laugh! He was devoted not only to his church and faith, but to his entire family. He spent a century in this world and he will now spend eternity in Paradise, singing with the angels; dear Olivera has been waiting for him. Rest in peace Nikola. Vjecnaja Pamjat ☦️

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