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Draga Teta Olga Imao sam priliku samo jednom u zivotu da te vidim i da te upoznam. Najvise si licila na Baka Maru u odnosu na ostale 2 sestre. Ostavila si me veoma jak utisak kao plemenita casna i kulturna osoba, vezana za porodicu i prijatelja. Neka ti je vecna slava i pamticu te dok sam ziv.
Primite saucesce za gubitak Vase majke i moje tete. Vezu me najlepse uspomene za tetka Olgom . Neka pociva u miru.
Dear Bonnie, My deepest condolences in the loss of your mother. The loss of a mother can never be replaced but her Love, lessons and wonderful memories you shared together will stay with you forever. Please know you are in my Thoughts and Prayers. Rexhina
There is nothing like the love of a mother! May her memory, love and life lessons always bring you comfort. My sincere condolences. Melissa
Our deepest sympathies on the loss of your beloved mother. May she rest in peace