Dragoljubu -Drazi i Radmili iskreno i duboko saucesce povodom smrti vaseg oca Pere, nasim molitvam neka mu Gospod dodeli rajsko naselje u Carstvu Bozjem. S postovanjem o. Ceda sa popadijom.
Dear Radmila and Dean, I send you my condolences with Love on the passing of your dear father Petar. Cika Pero was an unusal man, sometimes unpredictable, sometime rough, sometimes smooth and understanding, but always reflecting an Orthodox spirit Serbian style. I will miss him, though I know you will even more. Whenever that happens, just remember him in prayer – ask God to watch over him, be merciful to him, grant him eternal rest, and the empty spot you feel will be filled. Vecnjaja Pamjat! Memory Eternal In Christ, fr tom PS We’ll be in touch when your return from the funeral.