Radojka Damjanovich Radojka Damjanovich

Radojka Damjanovich

(1927 +2014)

Radојка Damjanovich, 87, dearly beloved wife of the late Rade, loving mother of Alexander and Nevenka, caring sister of Djuro (Milica) Stojakovic, dearest aunt of Ljubisa Coric. Radojka will be sorely missed by other family members amd friends in the Fatherland, England, the USA and world-wide. Visitation Friday, November 21, 2014 from 5 to 9 p.m. at SVETA GORA, SERBIAN ORTHODOX FUNERAL HOME, 3517 N. Pulaski Road in Chicago. Pomen (Wake Service) 7:30 p.m. at Sveta Gora. Opelo (Serbian Orthodox Funeral Service) Saturday, 22 November, 2014 at 12:30 p.m. at the New Gracanica Monastery in Third Lake, IL. Interment Most Holy Mother of God Cemetery.

For detailed information please contact:
SVETA GORA FUNERAL HOME, Chicago, tel 773-588-2200.

Photo and Video


Beba Stojaković (Beograd, Srbija)

I najlepše zvezde umiru i gase se. Draga tetka, ti si bila naša zvezda. Uvek spremna da zasijaš kada je trebalo, uvek tu. Na našem nebu se još jedna zvezda ugasila. Neka te anđeli čuvaju.

Đuro Stojaković (Beograd, Srbija)

Draga moja Jejo, posle tvog odlaska ostala je velika praznina u našoj porodici i našim srcima. Ništa više neće biti isto bez tebe. Verujem da su anđeli sa tobom i da si konačno zagrlila našeg tatu. Voli te tvoj Brato

Fadel Khoury (Mount Prospect, IL)

Nevenka: I received the news of your good mother’s passing from Cindy Foys-Clark, Kathleen’s sister. I am so sorry for your loss; the world will seem very empty now by your mom’s absence. From one Orthodox Christian to another, “May her Memory be Eternal”.

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