Simo Samoukovic, 80, beloved husband of Nada Samoukovic, loving father of Radenko (Olivera) Samoukovic, Ljubica (Ilija) Lojpur, Dragica (Jovo) Ristic and Radenka (Zdravko) Kuljanin, proud Grandfather of Milica and Jelena Samouković, Sandra, Arijana and Zoran Lojpur, Sanja and Dušan Ristić, Aleksandra and Nikola Kuljanin, loving brother of Slavko (Rajka) Samoukovic and Slavka Gligorević. Simo will be sorely missed by families Samoukovic, Gligorevic, Kuljanin, Ristic, Lojpur, Sinik, Mrkajic, Petricevic, Doder, Olujic, Saran, Golubovic, Lojanica, Djordjić and Krajisnik as well as the numerous family members, Kumovi and friends in the Fatherland, Australia, Sweden and the USA.
Memory eternal.
Opelo (Serbian Orthodox Funeral Service) Monday March 29, 2010 at 1 p.m. at the New Gracanica Monastery in Third Lake, IL.
For detailed information please contact: SVETA GORA FUNERAL HOME, Chicago, tel 773-588-2200.
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