For detailed information please contact:
SVETA GORA FUNERAL HOME, Chicago, tel 773-588-2200.
Dear Kristina and family, Our sympathies to you on the passing of Slavomir. May he rest in peace. Memory Eternal! Krcadinac Family
Dear Kristina and family, I reach out to you in sympathy and love during this time of loss. I will remember Slava as a gracious, tender and good person. I hold you in my thoughts and prayers and wish him peace. Love and God Bless you now and always.
May he rest in peace – without any pain or suffering
Maryann and Family- thinking of your entire family through your Tata’s passing. God Bless and May he Rest in Peace.
Поштованој Кристини, Љиљани, Мирјани и Александру,наше најдубље саучешће поводом губитка вољеног супруга и оца. Душан Ђорђевић са супругом и децом