Slavomir Arsenijević Slavomir Arsenijević

Slavomir Arsenijević

(1940 +2013)

Slavomir Arsenijević, 73, dearly beloved husband of Kristina, loving father of Ljiljana, Mirjana and Alexandar, caring uncle of Natasa (Rade) Bojic, Sreten (Jovanka) Arsenijevic, Nada Djordjevic, Nada (Misa) Jekic. Slavomir will be sorely missed by his dearest friends and numerous relatives in Serbia, the US, Australia and world-wide. Visitation Monday, November 4, 2013 from 4 to 9 p.m. at Sveta Gora, Serbian Orthodox Funeral Home, 3517-27 N. Pulaski Road in Chicago. Pomen (Wake Service) 7 p.m. at Sveta Gora. Opelo (Serbian Orthodox Funeral Service) Tuesday, November 5, 2013 11 a.m. at the New Gracanica Serbian Orthodox Monastery in Grayslake. Interment Most Holy Mother of God Cemetery.

For detailed information please contact:
SVETA GORA FUNERAL HOME, Chicago, tel 773-588-2200.

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Christine Krcadinac (Willowbrook, IL)

Dear Kristina and family, Our sympathies to you on the passing of Slavomir. May he rest in peace. Memory Eternal! Krcadinac Family

svetlana skolnick (chicago, 10-03-2013)

Dear Kristina and family, I reach out to you in sympathy and love during this time of loss. I will remember Slava as a gracious, tender and good person. I hold you in my thoughts and prayers and wish him peace. Love and God Bless you now and always.

Julie D'Amore (Niles, IL)

May he rest in peace – without any pain or suffering

Aurora Sheridan (Palatine, IL)

Maryann and Family- thinking of your entire family through your Tata’s passing. God Bless and May he Rest in Peace.

Породица Ђорђевић (Чикаго, Илиноис)

Поштованој Кристини, Љиљани, Мирјани и Александру,наше најдубље саучешће поводом губитка вољеног супруга и оца. Душан Ђорђевић са супругом и децом

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