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New Gracanica Serbian Orthodox Monastery
Velika tuga i bol je nama tvoj prerani odlazak. Nedostaješ i nedostajacćeš zauvek. Staša i Senad
Words cannot express the way that I feel right now. Bob was a man of honor and respect who stood strong on family values and principles. I, Bakes as they call me, will forever be grateful to have met such a gentleman. Bob gave me my start in trucking. As a Afro-American man from Queens New York, Bob spoke to me like a friend and treated me like family. Don't call me Sir, he would tell me and was very much serious about it too. He opened up his heart and his home for me and I will never forget that. My deepest condolences go to his loving wife (I miss those yeast rolls) and to his son and his daughter: Please stay strong and blessed, from the Baker family.
Primite moje iskreno saucesce.
Druze, nedostajaces mi mnogo.
Bobo, I still can't believe you're gone, that I'll never see your smile again or share a hug, joke, or story. There are few couples who I share my love for equally, but you and Ankica are among them. You left us far too soon, but certainly your memory remains eternal with everyone who knew you. Rest in peace, brother.
Dragi sine, neka viša sila je pokušala da te otrgne iz mog srca, ali to nemože ni ona učiniti jer ostaješ večno u mom srcu.Tvoje srce nije moglo da izdrži silinu, a moje mora. Ostavio si me sa velikim bolom i još većom ljubavi, neznam kliko će moj srce još kucati, ali znaj da sam ljut na tebe sto si požurio nemisleći da imaš starog oca. Ali Bog vidi i prašta, neka ti je prosto sve i neka te Amdjeli čuvaju. Tvoj otac.
Bobo , druže nas , uvek ćemo te se sećati. Još pamtim naše zadnje vidjenje za Badnje Veče. Zauvek ćemo se sećati tvog osmeha i naših sala , našeg druženja u folklornoj grupi Moravac , naših putovanja sa njima. Tvoj vedri duh će nam zauvek nedostajati . Anki, Mariji i Nikoli iskreno saučešće, I nek ti je večni spokoj u Carstvu Nebeskome tamo gde pravednici počivaju.