Tofil Rutović Tofil Rutović

Tofil Rutović

(1960 +2013)

Tofil Rutović, 53, passed into eternal life on Wednesdaz, December 18, 2013 in Las Vegas, nevada. Born on AUgust 2, 1960 in Zaljevo near Bijelo Polje to Masan and Novka Rutović. Loving brother of Budimir and Vinka, Ranka and Jelisavka, dearest nephew of Vuceta and Sava. Tofil will be missed by other numerous family members and friends in the Fatherland and the US. Interment Zaljevo Cemetery in Montenegro.

For detailed information please contact:
SVETA GORA FUNERAL HOME, Chicago, tel 773-588-2200.

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Pat Nelson (Oak Grove, MN. USA)

Rudy. Talked about you today with some friends. Told them how special our relationship was and the wonderful tender times we had I remember you with such warm feelings and only know you are a treasured memory to me. May you be blessed with God’s love and mine.

Heide Jones (Country Club Hills, IL)

Tofa, Your memory is our keepsake, we have you in our heart. We miss you today on your birthday, but cherish the memories we have. Rest in Peace!

Bobby Larsen (Cleveland, OH.USA)

Rudy,Gone but not forgotten.I am sorry for your family’s loss.My heart and prayers go to them and for you.You all will be in my prayers as long as I am here.I wish I could help in some way.I can never say enough thanks to GOD for bringing you into my life and for all you did for me. Bobby

Heide jones (CC Hills, IL)

Tofa – one year has gone by, and you still hold a special place in my heart. Memories are hard to forget! You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers today, tomorrow and forever. Heide

Bobby Larsen (Cleveland, Ohio/USA)

Rudy,I am so sorry I did not get to say good bye, or thank you for all you did for me,I will for ever thank GOD for you.I will love you as long as I live.To the family I am so sorry for your loss.Rudy was a great person with a big heart.He brought much happiness to my life and many others.He will be greatly missed.Contact me if you want. at(216)548-4296

Brenda Davis (Houston, Texas)

Tofil or Rudy as many called him was the love of my life for 13 yrs. He loved coming to visit and go to the ocean and we had so many wonderful times together that he will be truly missed by me and many others. I had spoken with him 2 days before I got this tragic news of his passing. I’m still in shock and am so very sorry I never got a chance to tell him goodbye ! He’s in a heavenly place now with no more pain or trials. My sincere condolences go out to every member of his family as well as his friends as he will be missed so very much. As he told me so many times “you’re the love of my life “. I miss you so much and your calls daily please know I think of you often and wish I could tell you how much you’re missed !!! Your love, Brenda

Patricia Nelson (Oak Grove, Minnesota USA)

He was a special friend to me. I have known him for 8 years. I am sorry for your lose and also mine. I include him in my daily prayers and have done so for years. I know that God is holding him in the palm of his hand. He was loved. Many Blessings are sent from my heart to him and his family. He died to soon as he loved life and had many dreams.

Душан Ђорђевић (Чикаго, Илиноис, САД)

Поштованом Вучети, Сави, Богољубу, браћи и сестрама искрено саучешће породице Ђорђевић из Чикаага.

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