Zdravka Radojcic, age 71, passed into eternal life on Sunday January 9, 2011. Born on October 4, 1939 in Gornja Priseka near Kljuc in Bosnia to Nikica and Borka Despot.
Zdravka is survived by her loving sons, Mile and Miro Radojcic; sister Dosta (Zdravko) Lakic, nephew Dusan Lakic, nephew Dragan (Deidra) Lakic with children: Thomas, Abigail and Mary; nephew Trivo (Sue) Tucic with children: Petar and Marija Tucic, as well as numerous other relatives and friends in the Fatherland and the USA. Memory eternal.
Visitation Wednesday, January 12, 2011 from 10:30 to 12 noon a.m. at the New Gracanica Monastery in Third Lake, Illinois.
Opelo (Serbian Orthodox Funeral Service) Wednesday, January 12, 2011 at 12 noon, New Gracanica Monastery. Interment at the New Gracanica Cemetery.
For detailed information please contact: SVETA GORA FUNERAL HOME, Chicago, tel 773-588-2200.
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Milan i Milena Babic (Wheeling, Illinois)
Dragoj nasoj zdravki miran pcinak a nasim momcima Miri i Mili iskreno saucesce pvodom smrti njihove majke koja je i nas uvijek voljela i zeljela da dodjemo poslednji pozdrav od Mice i Milene sa Porodicom.
Mico Radojcic (Heilbronn, Njemackaž)
Iskreno saucesce povodom smrti strine Zdravke upucuje brat Mico sa porodicom iz Heilbronna (Njemacka)
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