Са неизмерном тугом и жалошћу обавештавамо родбину и пријатеље да је у недељу 3. септембра 2023. године у 25. години живота прерано престало да куца младо и племенито срце Александре М. Крнић, рођене 27. јануара 1998. године у Лејк Форесту, држава Илиноис, од оца Радомира-Роналда и мајке Кауле-Били Крнић. Вјечнаја памјат.
Родбина и пријатељи опростили су се од покојне Александре у суботу 9. августа 2023. године од 11 сати пре подне до 12 сати у подне у манастиру Нова Грачаница, 35240 N Grant Ave, Third Lake, IL 60046.
Опело је обављено у 12 сати у подне у манастиру Нова Грачаница.
После Опела обављена је сахрана на манастирском гробљу.
После сахране биће послужена Даћа са покој младе и племените Александрине душе у сали манастира Нова Грачаница.
Отац Радомир-Роналд, мајка Каула-Били, сестра Стефани, деда Џорџ и баба Тоула Пергантинас, стриц Џо и стрина Софија Кенић, ујаци Ник и Џими Пергантинас, рођаци Никол и Тони Диксон, рођаци Алекс и Наташа Крнић, као и остала многобројна родбина и драги пријатељи у Америци и широм света.
За додатне информације можете се обратити СВЕТОЈ ГОРИ, српском православном погребном заводу у Чикагу на телефон 773-588-2200.
Just heard the heartbreaking news. Our deepest & sincerest condolences to you & the rest of the family. Milorad & Jelena Karagic
Dear Koula and Family, Our deepest condolences for your loss of Alexa. May her memory be eternal. Ζωή σε σας🙏✝️♥️ Nick and Soula Fitsalos
Koula and Stephanie— My heart is breaking for you. May you be comforted by beautiful memories. Love and peace to you both. And may Alexa rest in peace 😔
I am sad and devastated to here about the passing of your beautiful daughter Alexa. Thoughts and prayers to the Pergantinas and Krnich family. May her memory be eternal
I’m so sorry for your families sudden loss of Lexa. Heaven has gained an angel. Prayers to all. May her memory be eternal.
We are so sorry for your loss of your beautiful; young daughter. She has just got her wings with the angels above! Our deepest sympathies. May her memory be eternal😇😇😇😇 Luv, Dan and Angie Avgerinos
Ron, Koula, please except our deepest sympathies on the passing of +Alexandra May Her Memory Be Eternal Vjecnaja Pamjat
Our deepest condolences for the loss of Alexa
Ron and Koula my deepest and most sorrow condolences on your loss.
My Dearest Koula, I will continue to pray for you and Stephanie and the family during this unimaginably difficult time. May God be with all of you. Beautiful Alexa is Resting in Peace. Lots of Love Rahel
Our deepest sympathies to you and your family. We love you dearly, Patti and Dan
Our hearts hurt for the loss of your beautiful Alexandra.
Dearest Koula and Family, Our hearts hurt so badly for you and your family! This is a loss that is unimaginable. We will pray for peace and comfort as you grieve your beautiful Daughter. May God Bless Alexandra and may she be surrounded by the Angels in paradise with our Lord and Savior. Deepest Sympathy Lisa and Willi Homik
I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with your family at this difficult time.
May your soul rest in peace. Αναπαύσου εν ειρήνη. Our deepest condolences to the family. May God give all of you strength and courage. Βαθιά και ειλικρινή συλλύπητήρια.
Our deepest condolences to your family. May God give them strength and courage. May your soul Rest In Peace.
I’m very sorry for the heartbreaking loss of Lexa. She will forever live in our hearts and minds.
Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you. May her memory be eternal 🙏🏻 Ζωή σε σας
I am so very sorry for your loss! She is a beautiful soul. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Krnich family. 🦋🦋